Larson: Trump Can’t Hide From His Record on Social Security, Biden Has a Plan to Protect and Enhance Earned Benefits

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman John Larson(CT-01) released the following statement responding to Donald Trump’s attacks on Social Security and President Biden’s plan to protect it from cuts during last night’s presidential debate. “Last night, the differences were clear on Social Security,” said Larson. “President Biden called for strengthening Social Security by finally making billionaires and millionaires pay their fair share. Trump has no plan, and Americans deserve to see real action as 10,000 baby boomers a day become eligible for Social Security. Donald Trump could only dodge questions and lie about his record because he called for cuts to seniors’ hard-earned benefits to protect the super-wealthy. He supports House Republicans who have proposed raising the retirement age, a 21% cut to people’s benefits, all so they can pay for another round of tax breaks for the wealthy and large corporations. When someone tells you who they are, believe them!”

When he served as President, each of Donald Trump’s budgets called for cuts to Social Security and Medicare. After Trump went on CNBC in March to call for cuts to seniors’ earned benefits, the largest caucus of House Republicans released a plan to cut Social Security by $1.5 trillion over the next decade, including by raising the retirement age.